Vabbing 101: Embracing Vaginal Fluid as Your New Fragrance

In the vast realm of internet trends, there's a peculiar one revolving around the human body, specifically for vulva owners - it's called Vabbing.

If you're in the market for a new fragrance, consider trying out Vabbing. Just gather some of your natural fluids and follow the application instructions. This unusual trend has captured widespread attention, particularly on platforms like TikTok. Even licensed professionals, including doctors, have chimed in to share their perspectives. This isn't surprising, especially when it involves the delicate topic of vaginal care.

What is Vabbing?

Healthline defines Vabbing as the practice of "dabbing your vaginal secretions on your body."

The equation is simple: Vagina or vaginal fluid + dabbing = Vabbing. The concept likens these secretions to perfume, suggesting that applying them to various pressure points can enhance your natural fragrance. Advocates claim that these secretions may even contribute to increased attractiveness.

Origins of Vabbing

The recent surge in Vabbing gained momentum through a now-deleted TikTok video shared by influencer Mandy Lee. In detailing the technique, Lee suggests using two fingers with a "reasonably clean" vagina. She advocates a straightforward approach of "getting up there" and transferring the intimate secretions to exposed body parts, such as the wrist, neck, or behind the ears.

"I assure you, if you vab, you'll attract people, like a date or a one-night stand. Or you might just score free drinks all night," she claims, attributing her discovery of vabbing to the Secret Keepers Club podcast. Despite the removal of Lee's video, the trend has flourished on TikTok, with various users promoting this unconventional practice.

Sex educator and author Shan Boodram has also weighed in on the benefits of wearing vaginal fluids, suggesting they can act as a "love potion," especially when applied around ovulation.

While the historical origins of vabbing remain unclear, there are hints that, in medieval times, vaginal discharge was considered a perfume to captivate men, awakening their arousal. Subsequent studies revealed that women nearing ovulation emit the strongest vaginal scent, which can be alluring to men.

With this in mind and considering historical references, the concept of applying vaginal discharge as a fragrance has lingered. However, it wasn't until 2022 that it gained popularity as a dating or love-related trend on TikTok, often associated with tags like #vabbingtrend and #vabbingtiktok.

TikTok user Jewlieah played a significant role in popularizing vabbing (though not coining the term). She shared her experiences. In her other vabbing-related videos, she recounted multiple compliments and even being asked on a date.

This user, among many others, ignited a debate, predominantly leaning towards the negative side. Concerns about hygiene and practicality surfaced—after all, who would apply vaginal secretions all over their body? Many argued that such an intimate and private matter should be kept that way.

Consequently, the general consensus on vabbing leans toward sticking to traditional perfume for a pleasant scent or potentially attracting someone. There's a strong emphasis on refraining from interfering with natural vaginal secretions when seeking to attract others.

Why are (Some) Vulva Owners Vabbing?

While Vabbing may seem like an unusual trend, there are several key reasons why some vulva owners choose to embrace it.

1. Belief in Pheromones

One common belief driving vabbing is the idea that vaginal secretions contain pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals thought to attract potential partners, a phenomenon observed more commonly in the animal kingdom. These chemicals can influence the behavior of animals of the same species, particularly in the context of sexual behavior. While studies from the '70s suggested the presence of pheromones during period-syncing or prolonged proximity among humans, evidence for their existence in humans remains weak. Despite this uncertainty, some individuals still cling to the notion that vabbing may enhance their attractiveness to men, as mentioned earlier.

2. Boost in Self-Confidence

Although lacking scientific backing, another outcome attributed to vabbing is related to its impact on psychological and mental well-being. If one believes that vabbing can enhance their appeal to a desired partner, it can result in an immediate boost in self-confidence. Engaging in activities that make you feel good and comfortable, without causing harm to others, can contribute positively to your self-perception.

3. Altered Social Interactions

Considering the psychological and mental aspects of vabbing, the belief that it influences how one attracts partners or creates opportunities with potential partners can shift one's mindset. This altered perspective allows individuals to approach others more freely and engage in meaningful conversations. The confidence derived from vabbing is believed to make flirting a more natural and successful endeavor, trusting in its power to attract while actively participating in substantial interactions with potential connections.

Vabbing 101: How to Do It

If you're curious about trying vabbing or just want to understand the process, here's a simple step-by-step guide. Keep in mind that individual preferences may vary, but these basic instructions serve as a general overview.

1. Start with a shower or bath.

Prior to engaging in any physical activity like vabbing, it's essential to be clean from head to toe. Proper hygiene not only ensures cleanliness but also contributes to a positive physical and mental state. Freshening up in the shower or bath encourages you to feel your best, setting the stage for the vabbing process.

2. Clean your hands.

Maintain proper hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly before touching your intimate area. Use soap and water, paying attention to each finger, especially if your nails are longer. Clean behind the nails to prevent bacteria from interacting with your vulva area. Wash each hand for at least 20 seconds before drying them off with a clean cloth.

3. Find a comfortable position.

Choose a comfortable position, either standing or sitting with your legs wide apart, making it easier to swab your vaginal secretions with your fingers.

4. Gently insert your fingers.

With clean fingers and in your chosen position, delicately dip your index and/or middle finger into your vagina. Allow a few seconds for the secretion to gather, moving your fingers if necessary. Afterward, gently remove your fingers and apply the secretion on specific parts of your body, similar to using perfume.

5. Apply the discharge strategically.

Focus on specific pressure points on your body when applying the vabbing secretion. Common areas include your neck, behind the ears, and wrists, resembling the application of perfume.

6. Avoid interaction with others or objects.

Out of consideration for hygiene and respect, refrain from letting the areas where you applied vabbing come into contact with others or their belongings. Stick to the mentioned pressure points, as they are less likely to interact with other people or objects. Applying vabbing elsewhere may lead to unintentional sharing of secretions, so exercise caution and discretion.

Extra Tips Before Vabbing Etiquette

Hold on, before you jump into vabbing, check out these essential tips to ensure you're making informed decisions before trying this practice for the first time.

1. Avoid Vabbing with STDs or Contagious Diseases

If you have an STD or any contagious disease, it's best to refrain from vabbing. Keep your health matters private and handle them responsibly. Vabbing with such conditions can potentially spread germs, particularly with contagious diseases. Let's be mindful and avoid causing harm to ourselves and others.

2. Seek Medical Advice for Unusual Scents

If you notice an unusual scent in your vaginal secretions, it's crucial to consult a medical professional. Typically, vaginal secretions have no fragrance, and any odd smell could be a sign of a vaginal illness. Getting your vulva health checked ensures prompt identification and treatment of any underlying issues.

3. Refrain from Vabbing with Cuts or Injuries on Fingers

Engaging in vabbing with open cuts provides a gateway for bacteria, leading to infections around the affected areas and potential harm to your immune system. Avoid vabbing even if the cut is not on your dominant finger. The same applies to any injuries (bruises, scratches, etc.), as vabbing may cause discomfort, potentially worsening the condition of the affected fingers and compromising vaginal and immune health.

4. No Vabbing During Your Menstrual Period

It's advisable to avoid vabbing during your menstrual period to maintain discretion and hygiene. Nobody wants to witness traces of blood on your pressure points in public, potentially causing confusion and discouraging others from approaching you. Keep vabbing a discreet act, especially during your period, and maintain good hygiene.

5. Practice Gym Etiquette

Basic gym etiquette is essential, especially with vabbing in mind. Clean up after using gym equipment to ensure a respectful and sanitary environment. Given that vabbing secretions can mix with your sweat, it's important not to stain equipment for others to use. Preserve your vaginal secretions as your own and avoid leaving a mess for others.

Nourishing Foods and Drinks for a Pleasant Vaginal Scent

Before considering vabbing, achieving a pleasant vaginal scent might be on your checklist. To assist with that, we've compiled a list of foods and drinks known to contribute positively to your vaginal health.

1. Yogurt

Healthline suggests that yogurt is rich in probiotics, including certain Lactobacillus strains. These strains can prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria and alleviate symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Opt for yogurt with live or active cultures for maximum benefits!

2. Water

Simple but highly effective. Staying hydrated is crucial for overall bodily health, including your vagina. As a self-cleansing organ, proper hydration ensures optimal secretion and helps maintain the pH balance. If you haven't consumed water throughout the day, it's a reminder to do so!

3. Cranberry Juice

Fresh, unsweetened cranberry juice is packed with antioxidants and acidic compounds that boost immunity. These elements help combat bacteria, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and various illnesses, whether related to the vagina or not. The benefits also extend to consuming fresh cranberries as an alternative.

4. Sweet Potatoes

Hello Beautiful highlights that sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A, strengthening uterine walls and promoting hormone production to enhance energy levels.

5. Garlic

Despite its strong smell, garlic possesses microbial and antifungal properties that can protect against yeast infections and alleviate vaginal issues such as itching, pain, and unpleasant odors. Consume garlic in moderation to harness its benefits without overwhelming your senses.

Commonly Asked Questions

Curious to know more about vabbing? This section addresses some frequently asked questions about this unique practice.

1. Is vabbing safe?

While there is no specific research on its safety, concerns arise about its sanitation. A TikTok from Aeva Specialty Pharmacy emphasizes the risk of picking up bacteria on fingers, potentially leading to bacterial and fungal infections. To minimize these risks, it is crucial to wash your hands both before and after vabbing, as mentioned earlier.

2. Are there any risks or side effects with vabbing?

Currently, there are no identified risks or side effects due to the lack of extensive research. However, following precautions, such as handwashing, can help prevent potential infections.

3. Are there alternatives to vabbing?

Finding a perfume with an attractive and seductive scent can serve as an immediate alternative to vabbing.

4. Can we use external scents or feminine washes on our intimate area for a pleasant smell?

While the intention may be to enhance the subtle scent of vaginal secretions, it's important to note that the vagina is a self-cleansing organ. Using external scents or feminine washes may disrupt its natural balance, leading to potential infections. Avoid products that claim to alter the natural scent and rely on the suggested foods and drinks for a holistic approach.

5. Is vabbing worth trying?

The decision to try vabbing is subjective and depends on individual preferences. However, caution is advised due to potential infection risks and overall hygiene concerns. It is recommended to approach this practice responsibly.


Concluding our introductory guide to vabbing, it's essential to acknowledge the insufficient research on its safety and hygiene. The debate around vabbing persists, emphasizing the importance of responsible practice if you choose to explore this unconventional method. Exercise caution and make informed decisions, dear reader!